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GET Customer

GET (TMF-629)

This operation allows for the listing of Customer entities with operations that enable users to retrieve the customers with operation GET from the system and apply the transformations if required to maintain the standards with TMF.



Common Parameters

Base URI parameters and headers are common to all the resources as part of customer management Biz API, listed below with details.

for CR

Request for FIXED - URL


Request for MOBILE - URL

for JM
for PA

Note: Alphabets should be upper case in queryParams

for PR

Base URI Parameter

businessIdstringMBusiness unit identifier. Example: “JM”,“PA”,“PR”,“CR”


X-Correlation-IDstringThis is a unique identifier for the current call chain that can be used to tie together log entries on multiple layers.
Example: 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3F92c2b
channeIdstringChannel to business:
Expected Value: "ECOM"
Note ChannelId default value:ECOM
"PR" and "PA" : if channelId other than ECOM it will go to actual implementation is in development.
"CR" and "JM": if channelId other than ECOM it will throw customized error 501
Note :
Defalut value : FIXED but to hit CR MOBILE users it is mandatory to pass PREPAID or POSTPAID
Not inscope for PA
targetSystemStringTo identify the bss system
Eg: csg, aria, matrixx
Not inscope for CR, PA, JM

Security Headers

client-idstringClient Id value for Client Id Enforcement policy. Environment Specific Value.
client-secretstringClient secret value for Client Id Enforcement policy. Environment Specific Value
Eg: e4CD4D43449846aA9D8Cb9c43fAd324a

Query Param

identityNumberstringCustomer identity document number like Cedula number
Note: it is optional query param as per design.it is Mandatory query param only for CR-FIXED as per code and not in scope for other markets.
identityTypestringIdentifier Type, “C” or “PP” for Costa Rica
C – Cedula
PP- passport
Note: it is optional query param as per design . it is Mandatory query param only for CR-FIXED as per code and not in scope for other markets.
phoneNumberStringCustomer Mobile Number
Note: Note: it is optional query param as per design. it is Mandatory query param for only CR-mobile as per code and not in scope for other markets
characteristics.keyStringcomma-separated key for JM & PA.

For JM(Liberate and Cerillion) Possible characteristics.key types are serviceNum, firstName, lastName, companyName, billingAccountNo, identityCode & identityType. Eg - identityType,identityCode

For PA Possible characteristics.key types are serviceNum, firstName, lastName, companyName, billingAccountNo, identityCode & identityType. Eg - identityType,identityCode

For PR Market. LN = Location number, NA = Name (formate-LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME MIDDLE NAME. eg- "DHAARANI, GUNA SEKARAN"), PN = Phone number, AN = Account number, characteristics.key is named as key in sys layer. Key will displayed in error response when we miss this field.

Example - For JM,PA - identityType,identityCode. For PR - AN, PN
-Possible Identity types for Liberate JM are PP (passport), NI (National Id), OT (Other), SS (Driving L No), TR (TRN Number)
-Possible Identity types for Liberate PA are C -Cedula, PP-Pasaporte, SS-Seguro Social, V-Cuenta Vieja
characteristics.valueStringComma-separated value in same sequence as key. Used in JM(Liberate and Cerillion) and PA. For PR Market. characteristics.value is named as keyType in sys layer. KeyType will displayed in error response when we miss this field. Example - For JM(Liberate and Cerillion) & PA - C,401-623-883,John,Morgan,22546783,Latinex. For PR - 7306179999, 8211990010034312.M/O

HTTP Status response is 200

Response Sample for CR Fixed.

        "id": "1-2DWU2NH",
        "name": "JORGE STEVEN GOÑI SEGURA",
        "status": "Active",
        "contactMedium": [
                "mediumType": "Address",
                "characteristic": {
                    "street1": "CALLE DEL COUNTRY",
                    "street2": "ESCAZU",
                    "stateOrProvince": "SAN JOSE",
                    "city": "ESCAZU"
                "mediumType": "Email",
                "characteristic": {
                    "phoneNumber": "test@lla.com",
                    "contactType": "email"
                "mediumType": "Telephone",
                "characteristic": {
                    "phoneNumber": "+50688777575",
                    "contactType": "home"
                "mediumType": "Telephone",
                "characteristic": {
                    "phoneNumber": "+50688777576",
                     "contactType": "mobile"
        "characteristic": [
                "name": "idProof",
                "value": "01-4498-5920"
                "name": "idProofType",
                "value": "CEDULA FISICA"
                "name": "addressId",
                "value": "1-2F741ZW"
                "name": "contactId",
                "value": "1-2F741ZY"
                "name": "settlementAccountId",
                "value": "1-2F741ZW"
             "name": "district",
             "value": "PUNTARENAS"
              "name": "customerType",
              "value": "RESIDENCIAL"


HTTP Status response is 200

Response Sample for CR Existing Mobile Customer.

    "id": "2331805",
    "@type": "Control",
    "characteristic": [
        "name": "campaigne",
        "value": "Pospago @1 CT Contrato"

HTTP Status response is 200

Response Sample for CR New Mobile Customer.


    "id": "0",
    "@type": "Cliente nuevo / No existe en base",
    "characteristic": [
        "name": "campaigne",
        "value": "Cliente nuevo / No existe en base"


HTTP Status response is 200

Response Sample for PA.

        "id": "32900018",
        "name": "SUZSANN ZEPEDA",
        "status": "D-Defecto",
        "characteristic": [
                "name": "system",
                "value": "Liberate"
                "name": "dateOfBirth",
                "value": "1986-12-30T00:00:00"
                "name": "type",
                "value": "R-Residencial"
                "name": "subType",
                "value": "New Mobile|New Fixed"
                "name": "identificationNumber",
                "value": "2-721-937",
                "valueType": "C"
        "contactMedium": [
                "mediumType": "Address",
                "characteristic": {
                    "street1": "R. Villas de Llano Marin,c21, casa252",
                    "street2": "LLANO MARIN",
                    "stateOrProvince": "EL COCO",
                    "city": "PENONOME",
                    "country": "COCL"
                "mediumType": "email",
                "characteristic": {
                    "emailAddress": "Suzsanne01@gmail.com",
                    "contactType": "Email"
                "mediumType": "Telephone",
                "characteristic": {
                    "phoneNumber": "62791737",
                    "contactType": "Mobile"
        "account": [
                "id": "329000180000",
                "name": "SUZSANN ZEPEDA",
                "@type": "BillingAccount"

HTTP Status response is 200

Response Sample for JM.

        "id": "22805715",
        "name": "MISS SANDRA M OCONNER",
        "status": "F-Closed",
        "characteristic": [
                "name": "system",
                "value": "Liberate"
                "name": "dateOfBirth",
                "value": "1965-08-09T00:00:00"
                "name": "title",
                "value": "MISS"
                "name": "type",
                "value": "O-Browse & Talk HFONE"
                "name": "subType",
                "value": "Existing Fixed|New Mobile"
                "name": "identificationNumber",
                "value": "101179057",
                "valueType": "TR"
        "contactMedium": [
                "mediumType": "Address",
                "characteristic": {
                    "street1": "6 MARTELLO DRIVE",
                    "stateOrProvince": "KINGSTON 17",
                    "city": "St. Andrew"
                "mediumType": "email",
                "characteristic": {
                    "emailAddress": "sandraoconner31@yahoo.com",
                    "contactType": "Email"
        "account": [
                "id": "228057150000",
                "name": "MISS SANDRA M OCONNER",
                "@type": "BillingAccount"

        "id": "402505",
        "name": "OCONNER SANDRA",
        "status": "STANDARD",
        "characteristic": [
                "name": "system",
                "value": "Cerillion"
                "name": "title",
                "value": "MISS"
                "name": "type",
                "value": "RESIDENTIA"
                "name": "subType",
                "value": "Existing Fixed"
                "name": "identificationNumber",
                "value": "101179057",
                "valueType": "TR"
        "contactMedium": [
                "mediumType": "Address",
                "characteristic": {}
        "account": [
                "id": "50132325",
                "name": "OCONNER SANDRA",
                "@type": "BillingAccount"

HTTP Status response is 200

PR Market Response.

        "id": "1901502671181",
        "name": "JAVIER  ALMODOVAR",
        "account": [
                "id": "8211990010042372"
        "contactMedium": [
                "characteristic": {
                    "phoneNumber": "7871230014"
                "type": "Email",
                "medium": {
                    "emailAddress": "test.xyz@gmail.com"

Response Model

@typestringOWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name
hrefStringOUrl used to reference the customer.
IdstringOUnique identifier for Customers
NamestringOA word, term, or phrase by which the Customer is known and distinguished from other Customers.
StatusstringOUsed to track the lifecycle status of the customer.
statusReasonstringOA string providing an explanation on the value of the status lifecycle. For instance if the status is Rejected, statusReason will provide the reason for rejection.
validForObjectOA period of time, either as a deadline (endDateTime only) a startDateTime only, or both
validFor.startDateTimestring(DateTime)OStart of the time period, using IETC-RFC-3339 format. If you define a start, you must also define an end
validFor.endDateTimestring(DateTime)OEnd of the time period, using IETC-RFC-3339 format
engagedParty[]ObjectORelated Entity reference. A related party defines party or party role linked to a specific entity.
engagedParty[].@referredTypestringOThe actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.
engagedParty[].hrefstringOReference of the related entity.
engagedParty[].idstringOUnique identifier of a related entity.
engagedParty[].namestringOName of the related entity.
relatedparty []ObjectORelated Entity reference. A related party defines party or party role linked to a specific entity.
relatedparty [].@referredTypestringOThe actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.
relatedparty [].hrefstringOReference of the related entity.
relatedparty [].idstringOUnique identifier of a related entity.
relatedparty [].namestringOName of the related entity.
relatedparty [].rolestringOrole of the related entity.
Account[]ObjectOAccount reference. A account may be a party account or a financial account.
Account[].@referredTypeStringOThe actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.
Account[].@typeStringOAccount type
Account[].descriptionstringODetailed description of the account
Account[].hrefStringOReference of the account
Account[].idStringOUnique identifier of the account
Account[].namestringOName of the account
paymentMethod[]ObjectOPaymentMethod reference. A payment method defines a specific mean of payment (e.g direct debit).
paymentMethod[].@referredTypestringOThe actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.
paymentMethod[].hrefstringOReference of the payment mean
paymentMethod[].idstringOUnique identifier of the payment mean
paymentMethod[].namestringOName of the payment mean
contactMedium[]ObjectOIndicates the contact medium that could be used to contact the party.
contactMedium[].@referredTypestringOThe actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.
contactMedium[].@schemaLocationString(URI)OA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships
contactMedium[].preferredbooleanOIf true, indicates that is the preferred contact medium
O for PR
Type of the contact medium, such as: email address, telephone number, postal address
contactMedium[].validForObjectOA period of time, either as a deadline (endDateTime only) a startDateTime only, or both
contactMedium[].validFor.startDateTimeString(DateTime)OStart of the time period, using IETC-RFC-3339 format. If you define a start, you must also define an end
contactMedium[].validFor.endDateTimeString(DateTime)OEnd of the time period, using IETC-RFC-3339 format
contactMedium[].characteristicObjectMDescribes the contact medium characteristics that could be used to contact a party (an individual or an organization)
contactMedium[].characteristic.citystringOThe city
contactMedium[].characteristic.street1stringODescribes the street
contactMedium[].characteristic.emailAddressstringOFull email address in standard format
contactMedium[].characteristic.countrystringOThe country
contactMedium[].characteristic.contactTypestringOThe type of contact, for example: phone number such as mobile, fixed home, fixed office. postal address such as shipping instalation…
Characteristic[]ObjectODescribes a given characteristic of an object or entity through a name/value pair.
O for PR
Name of the characteristic
O for PR
Value of the characteristic
For PA Market and JM for(Liberate) Market Value of the characteristic corresponding possible values are: (New Mobile,New Fixed ),(Existing Fixed,Existing Mobile), (New Fixed,Existing Mobile), (Existing Fixed,New Mobile)
For JM for(Cerillion) Market Value of the characteristic corresponding possible values are: Existing Fixed or New Fixed
Characteristic[].valueTypestringOData type of the value of the characteristic
creditProfile[]ObjectOCredit profile for the party (containing credit scoring, ...). By default only the current credit profile is retrieved. It can be used as a list to give the party credit profiles history, the first one in the list will be the current one.
creditProfile[].creditProfileDateString(DateTime)OThe date the profile was established
creditProfile[].creditRiskRatingIntegerOThis is an integer whose value is used to rate the risk
creditProfile[].creditScoreintegerOA measure of a person or organizations creditworthiness calculated on the basis of a combination of factors such as their income and credit history
creditProfile[].validForObjectOA period of time, either as a deadline (endDateTime only) a startDateTime only, or both
creditProfile[].validFor.startDateTimeString(DateTime)OStart of the time period, using IETC-RFC-3339 format. If you define a start, you must also define an end
creditProfile[].validFor.endDateTimeString(DateTime)OEnd of the time period, using IETC-RFC-3339 format
Agreement[]ObjectOAgreement reference. An agreement represents a contract or arrangement, either written or verbal and sometimes enforceable by law, such as a service level agreement or a customer price agreement. An agreement involves a number of other business entities, such as products, services, and resources and/or their specifications.
Agreement[].@referredTypestringOThe actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation.
Agreement[].hrefStringOReference of the related entity.
Agreement[].idStringOUnique identifier of a related entity.
Agreement[].namestringOName of the agreement
